
As of 10/31/2023, Dr. Carlson is NOT Accepting New Patients.

Only patients from South Dakota, Iowa or Minnesota are able to work with Dr. Carlson.

The cost of labs and supplements are not included in the consult costs.

The Clinic does NOT accept any forms of insurance. This includes Medicare.

HSA/FSA Cards are accepted.


Online self-paced Course - pending 2024

“Intro to Functional Medicine*”

(*This online course purchase is non-refundable)

(You will have lifetime access to the materials)

Follow up visits, video or a phone appointment, this is for adults 18 and older, who are established patients of Dr. Carlson. We will discuss lab options, if applicable. Not accepting new patients at this time.

60 minutes | Become a New Patient to schedule | $250/hour

30 minute follow-up Visits: $125


The Care Wellness Plan:

Dr. Carrie uses her extensive training and clinical expertise in three medical specialties (family medicine, functional medicine and integrative medicine) to offer you personalized health guidance.

We will discuss using food as medicine, what essential nutrients are required for YOUR body, how you are sleeping, how you are managing stress and how are you moving your body.


Follow-up sessions are typically 30-45 minutes. Most patients need longer, consistent professional guidance and support on your health issues. It takes time to feel better from our chronic fatigue, digestive issues, sleep and hormone struggles. This is not your average 10 minute doctor’s appointment.

Current Patient Portal to schedule

Fullscript discounts are available as of 4/1/24.

Health Conditions Treated

Fatigue/Low Energy

This is the most common physical and mental symptom seen by Dr. Carlson. Lifestyle habits, environment, past trauma, toxins, chronic stress, poor sleep, and nutrient depletion are common causes.


Chronic GI Issues

Many people have chronic heartburn or GERD, Irritable bowel syndrome, chronic constipation, or diarrhea. Poor digestion is under recognized and can be improved. IBS can be improved!


Brain Fog/Low Mood

Brain fog and Low mood isn’t always depression, but it might mean you are low in critical nutrients, like Omega 3 fatty acids or activated B6, for your brain health. Brain fog can be related to low nutrient status.

Let’s find your energy and reconnect your mind-body-spirit

Personalized functional medicine can give us a profound understanding of your individual biology and unique biochemistry, to steer you in the right direction of health and well-being.