I want you to get the Care you deserve.

What does “Care” stand for?


The “C” in Care stands for getting Clarity on your health goals, Connection during your wellness journey, and a Comprehensive review of your biochemistry.


The “A” in Care stands for offering Accountability with an Action guide (your personalized Care Wellness Plan and Adding missing nutrients to improve your symptoms.


The “R” in Care means Repair and Restore to your neuroendocrine system (brain, adrenals, hormones, blood sugar), GI and other body systems, and teaching Rebalance in your mind-body-spirit.


The “E” means Encouragement to Explore personalized lifestyle strategies (food, sleep) and tools that support your Energy, and Engaging what matters most to you and your life!

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Dr. Carrie Carlson, DO, FAAFP, IFMCP, ABOIM

Welcome. Thanks for being here.

My passion in life is sharing a holistic approach to wellness using mind-body-spirit tools and personalized biochemistry. I truly care about supporting your exploration of your health concerns. I would like to offer you 21st century science-based labs and nutrient replacement to help you feel better.

Together, let us recover your lost energy so you can thrive and live your life’s goals and dreams.

My official medical education includes board-certified in Family Medicine since 2001 and certified in Functional Medicine since 2016. In April 2022, I completed the two year fellowship in Integrative Medicine with AIHM, graduating with honors. Board-certified in Integrative Medicine in June 2022, with Diplomate status with ABOIM.

I have unique experience working with patients who have chronic medically unexplained health illnesses like chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, IBS, and migraines. I work virtually with post-deployed combat Veterans with the War-Related Illness and Injury Study Center (called WRIISC) at the New Jersey VA. Additionally, I help teach and guide VA Primary Care providers how to integrate Functional Medicine to improve Veteran’s health as an IFM-educator. Lastly, I work with the local Sanford USD Medical School Family Medicine Department, to support rural family medicine here in our great state of South Dakota.

I’m a local South Dakotan. I grew up in Canton, South Dakota and went to USD for undergrad. My family and pets are what is most important to me.

If you are wondering why I practice this type of medicine or how I got into this particular field of health care, please allow me to share a little bit. I understand what it feels like to be tired, sick and frustrated by not finding the answers to chronic health problems, and being told it’s all in your head. (It wasn’t). Listening to patients is so important!

Back in 1998, I was diagnosed with an autoimmune condition called Celiac disease after several years of not feeling well. I finally knew the reasons I had so many unexplained symptoms, like intermittent severe fatigue, random joint pain, IBS, migraine headaches, brain fog, lower leg numbness and anxiety. All of those symptoms resolved once I started eating a gluten-free diet and replacing my low Vitamin B12. My daughter also has Type 1 Diabetes, so autoimmune diseases appear to run in our family.

It can be overwhelming and frustrating to navigate your health care with an autoimmune disorder or chronic disease struggles. It can be difficult to know where to start when you just want to feel better.

I would be honored to work with you during your journey back to health. Let me know your questions and send me an email. I’m here to help.

Warm regards,

Dr. Carrie


Want more energy?

I understand!

What are Your Health and Wellness Goals? More energy?

In Fall of 2016, I was feeling restless and fatigued. I knew my mind, body and spirit was telling me I needed to make some changes with my lifestyle and stress. I knew I had to take back control of my life and health.

I watched the 2016 Summer Olympic swimming races and the fall Kona Ironman Triathlon and realized I wanted to learn how to swim. I recalled a former patient of mine sharing that SDSU in Brookings, South Dakota sponsors a sprint triathlon every year. I could not swim one stroke at first because I was so anxious. I faced my fears anyway.

If I can learn to do this, you can accomplish your personal goals too!

Accomplishing that first sprint triathlon was like a mental and physical barrier I had overcome, and afterwards I realized my soul felt so much lighter in spirit, and happier. I felt like a kid again. And I had more energy. Bonus!

What are your health and wellness goals and dreams? Of course, your dream may not be a triathlon, but it might involve feeling better, like having more energy, improved digestive health, or less depression or anxiety, less hormonal swings, or less headaches.

Let’s talk about your concerns and your health goals.

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“Never underestimate the power of dreams and the influence of the human spirit.”

— Wilma Rudolph, Olympian and Civil Rights Pioneer