Contact Information:
Office Phone: (605) 215-1584

Hours: Fridays only.

The office phone is not answered 24/7. Call 9-1-1 if you have a medical emergency. If you have a Mental Health Emergency, please call 9-8-8 and press 1 or call 9-1-1 and seek emergent treatment.

[Fax: 605-496-0935 for medical records only]


Kindly remember, do not send any of your confidential, personal or private identifiable health information to this email address. It is not a secure email platform. DO NOT EMAIL ME YOUR PROBLEM DETAILS. THIS IS NOT A SECURE EMAIL ADDRESS.

Personal or confidential information IS ALLOWED in the Patient Portal email communication, once you have signed up and signed a HIPAA agreements.

Be sure you “white-list” Care Functional Medicine emails, so when I return your email, the response doesn’t sit in your Promotions or Junk folder. Thank you!